Q&A with Janet Holliday, President/CEO of The CE Group

How long have you been in business or been in your role and what is the thing that gets you out of bed every day?

I began the CE Group in 1990 (34 years ago). What gets me going every day is that I love what I do. I get to create memorable moments, unforgettable experiences, and lasting impressions. I am fortunate to have built a strong team that fosters an integrated event and communication mindset with deep community connection. 

When you were younger, did you ever see yourself doing what you do now?

I started in the nonprofit world, where I had the chance to learn about events and marketing. It was a leap of faith to become an entrepreneur.  Yet I took my passion and resourcefulness and turned it into a woman-owned business that is driven to excellence and creativity. It is also modeled around mentorship, leadership, and stewardship. 

What would you tell your younger self if you could spend 1 hour with her?

I wish I knew about creative bravery, meaning the ability to embrace change, take risks, and be fearless. Trying so hard to achieve success often means you miss showing up to make the most of the journey. I am glad I have learned to enjoy the ride with gratitude. 

It can be difficult to pinpoint one single woman who inspired you in your life and career. When you step back and think about the multitude of women in your life, what would you say to those who have supported you and been a sounding board in your career?

Thank you for being my champion. Thank you for being in my corner. Thank you for telling me I can be what I want to be and be who I am. Thank you for showing me that I am stronger and braver than I thought. Most of all thank you for your example of hard, honest service that reminds me success is not just what you do, but how you do it. 

Tell us about an ancestor or woman in your family whose story has been passed down to you. 

My Grandmother could not go to bed until she had done a good deed. This was defined by an act of kindness that was not based on credit or recognition. She did not have a lot of material wealth, but she gave away daily delicious baked goods, dollars she saved and volunteered time to better someone’s life or lift someone’s spirit. She taught us how our life is defined by good deeds and a good name. This was her legacy and I hope it will be mine. 

What is your personal mission in life and how do you fold that into the work you do? 

My mission is to live a full, long, and healthy life – mind, body, and soul. I bring this into work through a positive and grateful mindset; physical movement and expression and doing the things that fuel me and set my soul on fire. Many folks ask at my age why I am still working. Again, I say how lucky I am to be so fulfilled.  

What is your superpower? 

Optimism and Energy

From where do you draw your strength, creativity and stamina to keep going? 

I know what a gift each day is. Through adversity and loss, I have learned to not take one day for granted. I feel strength knowing that even though I do not always have control over my circumstances, I do get to decide how to play the hand I am dealt. So, I embrace an outlook of hope and give it my all. My motto is Make it Count. 
